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Retro Prints

Bring back the nostalgia with these Retro Prints!

Our Polaroid-inspired prints are perfect for adding a touch of the past to your home.

Simply choose a size, upload your photos, get creative- add text or coloured backgrounds, and we'll take care of the rest.

Please read the UPLOAD instructions below .

Printed on 300gms card stock

 Mini Retro prints Price: from $25 for 20 prints
Original Retro prints Price: from $28 for 24 prints
Magnetic Retro prints Price: from $28 for 12 prints

Shipping is calculated at checkout

Upload instructions

When placing an order for Retro prints in any size it’s essential to upload your images in specific quantities or sets.
If you’re ordering a set of the original Retro prints which comprises 24 prints follow these steps.
1. Select 24 images to upload at a time
2. Apply any editing or text
3. Add selected images to your cart
Then proceed to checkout

If you have more than 24 images to print please follow these additional steps:
4. Return to the product page and click CREATE NOW button
5. upload another set of 24 images
6. Add the newly uploaded images to your cart
Repeat these steps as needed until all your desired images are uploaded (in sets) and added to the cart.
Thank you for your cooperation, we’re currently trying to make this easier for you to add more quantities.

Production time

Once your order is received we kick into gear to print and dispatch in 48 hours. Monday to Friday

(Note: production is seperate to the delivery)

Shipping costs

$3.60 AusPost Standard Large Letter, untracked. 6-10 business days (not available for Collage / Grid prints)

$9.00 AusPost tracked satchel. 2 - 10 business days

$12.00 AusPost Express Post. 1-2 business days

If you want speedy tracked shipping we'd recommend Express Post!